András M.
András M.

Hello, and welcome! I'm Andras, a software engineer turned engineering manager who's obsessed with technological innovation, problem-solving, and continuous learning. But there's another facet of my life that has shaped my career and personal growth: living with ADHD.

Navigating the bustling world of technology and engineering with ADHD has been a journey filled with unique challenges and triumphs, but also struggles and defeats. My experiences have led me to create this blog as a platform for sharing insights, strategies, and reflections tailored specifically to those in similar fields.

What You'll Find Here

- Personal Insights & Stories: How I've managed ADHD in a demanding field, the challenges I've faced, and how I've turned some of them into strengths. I want to

- Technology & ADHD. From organisational tools to project management strategies, I'll delve into how technology can be an ally in managing ADHD in a professional setting.

- Community & Support: Whether you have ADHD, know someone who does, or just want to learn more about it, this is a place for open conversation and support.

A Bit More About Me

I'm an expat based in Denmark. Outside of work, I'm an avid artist, a musician, a fan of Cyberpunk 2077, and always up for a good challenge. My passion for doing things the right way, not just the easy way, permeates everything I do.

ADHD isn't just a condition I live with; it's a part of who I am. It has shaped my career, my hobbies, my relationships and my approach to life. Through this blog, I hope to create a space where we can explore ADHD together, demystifying it, and empowering others to turn challenges into opportunities.

Medium member since April 2023
Editor of ChaosRepeat
Connect with András M.
András M.

András M.

I’m a software engineer, manager, neurodivergent hobby hoarder. I write about data privacy, ADHD, tech, arts and things in between.